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Posted on Mar 2, 2024

Our Deliverance - Devotional

Posted on Feb 3, 2024

Love Anthem - Devotional

Many of us have been hurt by those who claim to love us. If we don't deal with it the right way, we can become bitter which can stop us from deeply loving others.

Coming upon the new year, it's easy to set these general goals for ourselves in hopes that maybe THIS IS THE YEAR we will accomplish them. However, diligence is key!

Posted on Dec 2, 2023

Heart & Mind Check - Devotional

We always hear people talk about the "reason for the season", but do we actually take the time to sit and reflect on why every year we put up a tree, go on endless shopping sprees to find the perfect gifts, and gather together to eat a good meal with friends and family?

Posted on Nov 25, 2023

Thankful - Devotional

When we choose to reflect on the goodness of God, we can't help but be overwhelmed with gratitude for the unwavering and unconditional love that He has showered upon us. Through the ups and downs of life, His love is a constant anchor, offering solace and strength in times of need.

Posted on Aug 19, 2023

What We Need - Devotional

Nobody is perfect. Everyone faces trials. Nobody here can claim to be a superhero, able to leap a building in a single bound and overcome the world's calamities on their own. Let's face it, we all need help sometimes.

As stores create their "back to school" sections, it's hard to believe summer is coming to an end and that our kids are old enough to be going into the next grade. And as we think about what clothes, shoes, and supplies our kids need, somewhere in the back of our minds are the hopes and dreams we have for our kids this year, along with fears and concerns that can sometimes overwhelm us.

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